Danny D'Agostino


Duke-NUS Medical School, Centre for Quantitative Medicine

8 College Rd

Singapore, Singapore 169857

My research journey is driven by a passion to develop mathematical models and algorithms, harnessing the power of machine learning and operations research to address real-world problems.

Currently as a Research Fellow at Duke-NUS Medical School, I am deeply immersed in advancing AI for healthcare applications.

I hold a PhD in operations research from Sapienza the University of Rome, with a focus on global optimization algorithms. During that time, I was working at the Institute of Marine Engineering at the National Research Council of Italy developing machine learning and deep learning approaches for solving challenges in fluid dynamics.

I undertook an internship at Huawei Ireland Research Centre during my PhD, engaging with timeseries clustering and causal inference.

I joined the National University of Singapore for a postdoc, under the supervision of Prof. Christine Annette Shoemaker. Here, my research focused explainable AI and supervised dimensionality reduction.

As an Italian hailing from Rome, football has been more than a game - it’s been a lifelong passion that I’ve honed through years of team play. Beyond academia, I find solace in strumming the electric guitar, reading books and perfecting the art of cooking, with Italian cuisine holding a special place in my heart.